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Best Reverse Image Search Engines

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Are you sharing photos, or posting them in your business account? Are you calling that

picture your own? Have you checked its copyrights? If not then you can be in trouble. The

owner of that photo that you have just posted can sue you for millions of dollars. In order to

find the solution to these problems, read on further as in the guide I am going to tell you

about a technology called Reverse search engine, which is going to save you from lots of


What Are Reverse Image Search Engines?

Regardless of your position, either professional or just a common man, it is sometimes

necessary to find the original source of an image on the web and to find about its copyrights.

This is where the reverse search engine comes into play. Well, to put it in simpler words, the

reverse image search engine is a technology by which you can find the source of an image

on the web by simply uploading it.

Why Do People Use Reverse Image Search?

There are various reasons why people use reverse image search engines. Some of them


● To verify the authenticity of an image before making any kind of deal.

● To collect evidence for research

● Check the copyrights of an image

● Finding high-quality images of different sizes.

How These Search Engines Work

These engines try and scan photos' shape, features, size, color, and other characteristics

and with the help of some special algorithm find the required result. Some engines also have

a facial recognition system which is pretty handy in finding specific people.

These search engines scan through a library of billions of images in order to give you the

required result. The best reverse image search engines are those which can give us our

required results instantly. Well, the good news is that there are a handful of these engines in

our knowledge and we are going to share them one by one below.

Top Reverse Image Search Engines

1.Google Reverse Image Search

Well, Google is the search giant and no one can beat it. In reverse image search no one can

match with Google, it operated by retrieving the copies of the image that you have uploaded and

also find images that are visually similar. So, it is pretty handy in selecting photos and

images for either your personal or business projects. Also, it gives an option of finding an

image according to their usage license which can be very helpful to us. It also gives results

for similar images according to your uploaded image.

2. Bing Visual Search

This is another great search on our list! It was introduced by Microsoft in March 2014. It is a very

easy and simple to use tool. It can help you to perform a reverse image search and make

sure to find its appearance on the web and whether it is used anywhere else or not. It also

gives you options for similar images relevant to your search.

3. Yandex

After Google, Yandex might be the best search engine. It is originated from Russia therefore

for English users a translation of it is necessary which can be easily done in Google search

engine. The process of reverse image search in Yandex is quite impressive. Its popularity in

Russia doesn’t mean that it is limited only there because it has many users worldwide. You

can either upload the image or enter its URL, it will give results of visually similar images

including the information of their use on the web.


TinEye is very useful image search engine. It provides the source of images and discovers where they appear on the internet.

We can search both by URLs and uploaded images. TinEye also comes with Chrome

Extension and you can perform reverse image search easily with it. By using

Chrome extension, you can directly right-click on an image and search for it.

5. RevImg

Revlmg is also a good quality engine where you can search for images by using categories.

Also, it has a feature to ignore the color while searching for an image. Any image can be

uploaded or a URL is used to get the desired results.


As its name suggests, a great feature in this reverse image search engine is to find the

location of the image. So, if you wish to go to a place that you have seen in some picture

and don’t know about its location then you can use IM2GPS.

7. Image Identify

Image identify is a WIP reverse image search engine that also delivers information about

images. All you have to do is drag and drop the image to be found on the webpage. There

are some glitches in this program as it is currently in progress. Although it provides result

relatively fast for  famous images.

8. Pinterest Visual Search Tool

Pinterest Visual Search tool is the most advanced engine in this category. What makes Pinterest the

best? It has a unique feature to avoid searching for the whole image, instead, you can zoom

in over a specific part of the image (pin) and search for it. This tool will show you visually

similar images of the magnified image almost quickly. This feature works on all web, android,

and IOS.

Reverse Image Search On Android

Google Lens

Almost all new android powered smartphones are coming with a preinstalled app called

Google Lens. With the help of this tool, you can take a picture of anything and look for it on

the web. By using Google lens, you can look up text, images, take pictures to find visually

similar pictures of them, and even scan codes. These are some cool features that improve

the overall user experience. The only problem with Google Lens is that it is not available for

every smartphone and sometimes the results aren’t the ones that you expect them to be.

Bottom Line

With the advancement of technology comes new apps and software every once in a while.

Our list includes all the reverse image search engines that are proving their worth globally.

These engines have some cool features which when used to their full potential will give you

the power to search the information about any image and much more.

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