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Best Reverse Image Search for Catfish

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Best Reverse Image Search for Catfish

Best Reverse Image Search for Catfish

We are in the habit of uploading photos and images either for personal use or for professional use. But have you ever wondered that the image you are using is stolen? On the other hand, has anyone used your photo or personal image anywhere without your consent? Or the people that we have met online are really trustable or is it a catfish? Are they really who they say they are? Huff… many questions right? 

This is where reverse image search comes into play. It can answer all the above-mentioned questions. By reverse image search, we can find about any person’s true identity, the places where the certain image is used, and many more. One of its kind is image search catfish.

What Is Image Search Catfish?

Image Search Catfish is free web-based reverse photo finding software that helps to verify many things such as tracking online profiles with their phone number, address, email, etc. To simply put it helps to find a person’s online identity. By catfish image search, we are able to look at people’s online identities and find their past information. It also can detect faces. To find whether an image appeared on social media sites, or report any stolen image, Image Search catfish can be used by simply uploading the desired photos and get the required result

The Program That Catfish Uses

To define Catfish Image search on a technical level, let’s just say that it is Gtk+ based graphical tool. It takes help from Zeitgeist and other AI technologies to locate an image and identify people and faces. It also uses face recognition software to find people’s identities and to find their original source by comparing the photo with other photos that are present in its database. (It is giving me the FBI feeling haha!)

Image Search Catfish also has an advanced and built-in unique feature to make a search based on a name to find people in the US. From this feature, the person’s detailed information can be found like phone number, email, address, etc.

How to Spot A Catfish?

There are many ways to spot a catfish like

  • Be observant of their personality
  • Observe their friends
  • Do an online search to verify the name, contact, etc
  • ask for video chat, if they refuse then you know who they are
  • Perform reverse image search on their photos

If the person under investigation is found as a catfish then you should immediately cut all ties with him.

How To Use Image Search Catfish Smartly

Some smart ways to use image search catfish are:

  • In order to confirm the identity of an unknown person that has contacted you on some platform like social media networks, dating sites, etc
  • Find people that you have lost contact with
  • Find about the people that you have met on dating sites or your loved ones

What Can Image Search Catfish Find

1. Email Address And Phone Numbers

It has a reverse phone and email search option by which you can verify the phone number and email address that is unknown to you. We all sometimes receive too many calls and emails from unknown sources. This software can help us to identify that person and save us from lots of trouble if that person is a catfish.

2. Online Profile Finder

Details about any picture can be found like its username, how many email addresses he has, how many accounts on social media networks he has, etc with the help of Image Search Catfish. It can easily verify whether the person from the image is catfish or not by investigating everything that is found on the web about it.

3. Licensed Professional Search

If a person is working under any professional license then its public record can also be easily fetched by using Image Search Catfish. It is also very helpful in appointing a new person because by it you can easily verify the details and do background check of that person.

4. Criminal Records

If you want to check criminal records against a person then Image Search Catfish can be used. It also points out if a person has any crime related complaints against him.

5. Reverse Address Search

It has a feature of reverse address app by which we can find who has registered at an address through sample image searching 

6. Business Records Search

It also has a handy feature to look up business leads. It can help verify business owners and also aids to increase your leads search.

The Best Catfish Search Engines

There are many catfish search engines but few have made it to our list based on their outstanding features and quality. The engines that provide the best Reverse image search for catfish are as follows:

a. TinEye Reverse Image Search

This search gives outstanding performance on both desktops and smartphones. We can upload an image on this engine and it will fetch the most accurate result on the usage of images on the web.

b. Reverse Image Search – Find Similar Photos Online

This also provides one of the best reverse image searches for catfish. It performs image search quickly and does not require too much effort to upload an image to be searched.

c. Linux File Search Tool For Catfish

Well with the latest release, it just got better. It is a go-to file search tool on the Ubuntu Linux desktop. If you have not used it then go ahead give it chance as you will be very pleased by its performance.

d. Catfish in Launchpad

It is powered with search suggestions from Google image advanced search. It is GTK+ search tool. It is written in phyton. It is a great search tool with multiple cool features and gives accurate and fast results 

e. Social Catfish

It is a reverse lookup tool. It helps in doing an online deep search of any person and verifies its online presence. It gives great competition to its rivals. Some experts also say that the quality of this tool sometimes passes search engines like Google.


Reverse image search for catfish is a great tool to find a catfish that has contacted you. You can also use this tool in a wide variety of categories like criminal search, and for identifying a person that you have met online. Our list concluded the best Reverse image search for catfish that we have encountered. I hope that you find a tool that suits your needs from this list.

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