Google Change of Address Tool Comes with New Redirect Validation and Reminders Features

Google Change of Address Tool Comes with New Redirect Validation and Reminders Features
Ashutosh Chauhan
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Google introduced two new features in Search Console. Google change of address tool now has redirect validation and reminders features. The new redirect validation features helps to validate your move with redirect validation. The Reminders feature alarms you in the search console that the site is moving.

The two brand new features are called “Redirect validation for top 5 URLs of the moving domain” and “Reminders on top of both the moving domain and the destination domain”.

These two features enable site owners and webmaster to control their sites in efficient way with the help of search console. The new direct validation feature gives you a chance to validate your move correctly and prevents mistakes.

The reminder feature will remind you that the site is moving. Google is continuously improving search console. After the release of Site Kit plugin on wordpress Google has been appreciated by webmasters and site owners.

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